road accident

What to do in the event of a road accident.?


Start by securing the premises.Make sure your car is safely on the side of the road. Put on your fluorescent vest and place the warning triangle.

Any injuries? Call the police and seek medical help.

If there are injuries, you are legally required to call the police. Dial 101 or the European emergency number 112. For emergency medical help, dial 100 or the If you go to the emergency room yourself or see your family doctor , keep all medical certificates. Also make a copy of all doctor’s bills and pharmacy bills and keep a record of all charges incurred road accident.

When to call the police?

In the event of a traffic accident, call the police in the following cases:Complete the European accident report, even if the police have drawn up a report. Also inform your insurer. Complete the accident report on site.

It is very important to complete the European accident report on the spot, with the other party. Fill out a report even in the event of a hit and run or in the absence of another party (for example if you hit a pole).Take the necessary time and complete the statement in full, with precision and accuracy. Only sign it if you fully agree with the data contained therein. If in doubt, do not sign the report and complete your own report. You are not required to sign an accident report, even if it was completed by a police officer.If you do not have a European accident report in your car, ask your agent for two copies.

Take pictures?

Photos are optional but may be useful later. They will make it possible to specify certain information mentioned on the European accident report: poor visibility, road works, temporary signs or temporary panels. Pay particular attention to objective recognition points, such as a visible street name, house number, or the direction of the cars involved. Photograph the vehicles concerned with the traffic signs and the markings on the ground road accident.

When should I notify my insurer?

Your agent can advise you on how to complete the accident report form. He can assist you by phone or on site to avoid later problems. He can also organize the assistance you need.If you contact your insurer or agent afterwards, you must provide them with the following documents within 8 days:the European accident report you have completed;if the police intervened: a copy of the report or its number you are summoned to appear in criminal court, also contact your insurance intermediary or legal protection insurer . Communicate to him road accident.

a copy of the court summons;

the name of the lawyer you wish to call on and their address (if you have taken out legal assistance cover);a copy of the statement of offence. You will receive this by mail shortly after the offense

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